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  • 2 min
  • 06/05/2023

Overlooked Custody Dispute Issues

When it comes to mediating a divorce and dealing with custody disputes, there are some commonly overlooked points of consideration that can impact your ability to co-parent. In this blog we’ll review each one and discuss how they may impact your own impending divorce.

When Will Child Support End?

Generally, the length child support will continue is determined by individual state laws, which in many cases lasts until a child turns 18. However, during the process of divorce mediation parents can discuss whether they both want to provide extended support for their children if/when they attend college.  When you are negotiating custody, you should consider whether you want to provide extended support until your child turns 21 or graduate’s college. In the event your child has a mental or physical disability you may also discuss providing your child permanent support.

Where Does Your Child Want to Live?

If you have younger children, they will have less input in regards to where they live. In certain states, however, the courts will take the child’s preferences into consideration once they have reached their teenage years. Parents can also speak to their children about their preferences regardless of age and take that into consideration with one another.

What Does Reasonable Visitation Entail?

It’s common for divorcing parents to decide that one parent will have primary physical custody and the other will have reasonable visitation. It’s often better for everyone involved to create a visitation schedule so neither the parents or children lose out on time with their children. In these visitation plans you should detail out what days and times each parent will have with the child or children. This should include weekends, holidays, vacation times, and important dates such as birthdays.

How Will You Handle Phone and Online Communication?

When the children are with one of their parents, it’s helpful to have a plan in place for communicating with the other parent. With younger children it may be helpful to schedule a time for each parent to call or video chat the children. You should discuss how often each parent can contact the other during that parent’s visitation time. For older children who may have their own phone or computer, you may decide to just allow the children to contact their parent as needed. Either way, it’s important to create an arrangement that preserves each parent’s right to share uninterrupted time with the child while simultaneously maintaining a connection in his or her absence.

Talking out these things out with your ex-spouse will help you in creating an effective parenting plan that works for everyone involved and ensures both parents have adequate time and communication with their children.

**Disclaimer: The content used in the article is not to be used as legal advice and is for illustration and general informational purposes only. If you have questions about your particular situation, please contact us to schedule a consultation with one of our experienced attorneys.

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