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  • 2 min
  • 02/14/2022

10 Contracts Every Small Business Needs

Having the right business contracts in place helps you avoid employee or contractor disputes, limits your liability, and protects your ideas and information from your competitors. Here are the top business contracts businesses can benefit from:

Business Contracts

Every type of business needs a general business contract. Whether you provide a service or sell goods in a brick and mortar or eCommerce store, you can customer a business contract with the specific terms you want for your business deal.

Service Contracts

A service contract outlines exactly what service your business will provide as a business to your customers. This may include contracts for any type of service. Service contracts can be used in nearly any industry including, accounting, copywriting, video editing, general contracting, plumbing, nutritional counseling, legal services, and more.

Independent Contractor Agreement

These contracts are used for any consultants or other employees you hire to do work for your company that will not function as a full-time employee.  

Release of Liability

This contract is used to release your company from liability for any injuries or damages sustained by a client, employee or other individual that has engaged in an activity either owned or sponsored by your business.

Equipment Lease

Equipment leases are a must-have for any company that plans to rent or lease out your own equipment. You can also use this agreement if you are an LLC and intend to lease personal equipment, such as your car, to your business.

Provisional Patent Application

A provisional filing allows you to use the "Patent Pending" notice and helps to protect your product or invention before you are able to get a full patent filing.

Non-Disclosure Agreement

NDAs can be used with both potential and current employees to ensure your private business information is not shared with those outside of your business.

Non-compete Agreement

A non-compete agree is utilized to ensure a former employee or business partner does not competing against your business by working with a competitor, typically for a specified amount of time.

Employment Agreement

Employment agreements are used to specify the rights and obligations of your employees.

Employee Handbook

An employee handbook is ideal for a number of reasons. One it ensures that your employees and contractors are aware of the rules in your workplace and what's expected of them. It also protects you from a potential lawsuit in the event you need to terminate employment.

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